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Sylvia Ostry CWEC/CFEC Award

CWEC/CFEC awards the Sylvia Ostry CWEC/CFEC Award to an economist judged by the selection committee to have furthered the status of women in the economics profession, through example, achievements, increasing our understanding of how women can advance in the economics profession, or mentoring others. The word ‘women’ is interpreted quite broadly to include those who identify as a woman and those whose gender expression may be perceived by society as being associated with being a woman or female.

Nominations are open and shall consist of a nomination letter, CV, and two or more supporting letters, with preferably at least one from a mentee. The nomination letters should be geared toward examples of how the nominee has fulfilled the criteria of the award, not necessarily through academic achievement alone. Nomination and supporting letters should be no more than 2-pages in length.

Nominees may identify or express as any gender or sex but must have spent a significant amount of their career in Canada. The selection committee has leeway on deciding the definition of “significant amount of time”. Nominees must not have been previously awarded this prize within the last 10 years of the award year. A nominee that has won the award outside of this 10-year window will to have demonstrate new and additional meritorious achievement over that which formed the basis of their previous award.


Prix Sylvia Ostry CWEC/CFEC

Le CWEC/CFÉC décerne le prix Sylvia Ostry CWEC/CFÉC à une économiste qui, selon le comité de sélection, a fait progresser le statut des femmes dans le domaine économique par son exemple, ses réalisations, l’amélioration de notre compréhension de la manière dont les femmes peuvent progresser comme économistes, ou à titre de mentor. Le terme « femmes » est interprété au sens large; il comprend non seulement les personnes qui s’identifient comme des femmes, mais aussi les personnes dont l’expression de genre peut être perçue comme féminin par la société.

La période de mise en candidatures est ouverte, et les dossiers doivent inclure une lettre de candidature, un CV et au moins deux lettres de recommandation (de préférence, au moins une d’un mentoré). Les lettres de candidatures doivent être axées sur des exemples de la manière dont la candidate répond aux critères du prix, et pas uniquement sur ses réalisations dans le milieu universitaire. Les lettres de candidature et de recommandation ne doivent pas faire plus de deux pages.

L’expression et l’identité de genre n’ont aucune importance, mais les candidates doivent avoir passé une partie importante de leur carrière au Canada. Le comité de sélection dispose d’une marge de manœuvre pour définir ce qu’est une « partie importante de leur carrière ». Les candidates ne peuvent avoir reçu ce prix au cours des dix années précédant l’année d’attribution. Une candidate ayant remporté le prix avant cette période de dix ans devra démontrer qu’elle a accompli des réalisations méritoires nouvelles et supplémentaires par rapport à celles qui ont été à la base de son prix précédent.


We are delighted to announce that the 2023 Sylvia Ostry Service Award was presented to

Victoria Zinde-Walsh (McGill) and Evelyn Forget (University of Manitoba)

Dr. Forget is a Professor at the Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba. From the selection committee: 

"For her pioneering work on the integration of women and gender into the history of economics, drawing attention to the barriers women face in the profession and women whose research had been overlooked, thereby reshaping the history of economic thought away from a male dominated narrative. She also coauthored a dictionary of women in economics, and ceaselessly worked on the recognition of women’s contributions to the Economic Profession in general. At the same time, she has mentored many young women as scholars and has published a very impressive body of work, including several books. Her leadership and advocacy in economics and public health and public recognition (Officer, Order of Canada (2021), Fellow, Royal Society of Canada (2021)) also make her a great role model." 

Dr. Zinde-Walsh is an Emerita Full Professor with post retirement appointment, in the Department of Economics, McGill. From the selection committee: 

"For her academic achievement and record of service, as well as her role-modelling and mentoring young female scholars in a male dominated field; through her distinguished work in econometrics, she has served as example and inspiration for younger female economists and econometricians. She also played an important role in unifying the econometric community in Canada as Director of the Econometrics Study Group with its yearly conference.  Her nomination letters from female scholars who grew and blossomed under Victoria’s wing are enthusiastic and full of genuine admiration of their mentor."


The past winners are:

2021  Xiao-yuan Dong



The award was presented during CWEC/CFÉC Keynote Lecture virtually organized as a part of the 2021 CEA meetings.  Learn more about Xiao-yuan's exemplary work and contribution to the profession.

2019 Roberta Edgecombe Robb



CWEC/CFEC Early Career Researcher Award

CWEC/CFEC awards the CWEC/CFEC Early Career Research Award (previously Young Researcher Award) judged by the selection committee appointed by the CWEC/CFEC Awards Committee to have the best research record.

To be eligible, nominees much meet the following criteria:

  • Identify as a woman or those whose gender expression may be perceived by society as being associated with being a woman or female.
  • Have a current, primary appointment in Canada and have maintained that appointment in at least three of the past five years or since completing their Ph.D.
  • Be at the beginning of their careers, defined as having completed their PhD within 10 years of the award year (allowing for career interruptions)
  • Have not been previously awarded this prize.

Nominations are open and shall consist of at least one nomination letter and the nominee’s curriculum vitae (CV). The nomination letters should be geared toward examples of how the nominee has fulfilled the criteria of the award as detailed in the nominee’s CV. Nominators must not have co-authored with the nominee. Nomination and any additional supporting letters should be no more than 2-pages in length. Nominees must not have been previously awarded this prize.



Bourse de recherche en début de carrière CWEC/CFEC

Le CWEC/CFÉC attribue le prix de la recherche en début de carrière (anciennement le prix de la jeune chercheuse) à la personne qui, selon le comité de sélection nommé par le comité des prix du CWEC/CFÉC, a le meilleur bilan de recherche

Pour être admissibles, les candidates doivent répondre aux critères suivants :

  • s’identifier comme une femme ou être une personne dont l’expression de genre peut être perçue comme féminin par la société;
  • avoir un poste principal actuel au Canada et avoir maintenu ce poste pendant au moins trois des cinq dernières années ou depuis la fin de leur doctorat;
  • être en début de carrière, c’est-à-dire avoir obtenu leur doctorat dans les dix ans précédant l’année d’attribution (en tenant compte des interruptions de carrière);
  • ne pas avoir reçu ce prix auparavant.

La période de mise en candidatures est ouverte, et les dossiers doivent comprendre au moins une lettre de candidature et le curriculum vitae (CV) de la candidate. Les lettres de candidatures doivent être axées sur des exemples, détaillés dans le CV de la candidate, de la manière dont cette dernière répond aux critères du prix. Les présentateurs ne doivent pas avoir été coauteurs avec la candidate. Les lettres de candidature et de recommandation supplémentaires ne doivent pas faire plus de deux pages. Les candidates ne doivent pas avoir reçu ce prix auparavant.


The 2023 recipient is Donn Feir. They are an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Victoria and joined the Department in 2013. From the selection committee: 

"Donn's exceptional contributions to Indigenous economics have played a crucial role in establishing it as a standalone sub-field in the economics profession. Their research agenda has resulted in a cohesive body of work, which includes publications in highly respected academic journals such as the Review of Economic Studies, Canadian Journal of Economics, and the Journal of Economic History. Donn's impressive international presence and recognition make them a highly deserving recipient of this award.”


The past winners are:



Luba Petersen

Lucija Muehlenbachs

Simon Fraser University

University of Calgary

2016 Svetlana Demidova McMaster University
2014 Viktoria Hnatkovska Vancouver School of Economics
2012 Matilde Bombardini UBC
2010 Silvia Gonçalves Université de Montréal